Thursday, February 24, 2005

Maybe February's not so bad

(Warning, sappy girly story ahead....)

Have you ever prayed for something for so long, that when God blesses you with it you're so overwhelmed you don't know how to respond? I've met someone. That's right, the eternally single Liz has met someone. Ok, so I didn't just meet him. I met him this summer. We've been friends for a while now. He's great. He's not the type that I would've expected to end up with, but I'd say he's pretty much perfect for me and so much more than I would've thought to ask for. I know that this is just the beginning, but there's something so different about it when you've been friends for months first. The more time I've spent with him, the more time I've wanted to spend with him. He's really neat. That's all I'm saying. :)

I honestly wasn't expecting it to all come out in the open when it did. I know that he's shy, and I know that he's very cautious about situations like that, so I really expected that I'd still be praying about this in 6 months and honestly I was ok with that. But maybe he sensed just how much I've been struggling with it. Maybe he knew I've been having a hard time not being completely obvious about it. I don't know. Regardless, how it came out was so much more than I expected.

Since this is my blog, and it makes me happy, I'm going to tell the story here. :)

The other night after Bible Study, a bunch of us went out to eat and I rode over to the restaurant with a girl who left straight from there to go home. So I'd left my car at his house so I rode back with him to pick up my car. I was inside getting my Bible and was almost to the door when he says that he has something for me. And I'm kind of surprised and I say for me? and he says yeah, it's really cheezy... then he proceeds to go in his office and pull out this piece of cardstock that he's glued to another piece of cardstock. And on the top he's printed "Application" Then with stickers it says "Dirty Hot Passionate Guy" and then says for Elizabeth Truitt. (Sidebar: my friends give me a hard time b/c I tend to like the guys who dress a little stranger, and I want someone passionate, so it's become the joke that I want a dirty hot passionate guy... keeping in mind that he is very reserved, works for Lilly and looks like he just stepped foot out of Banana Republic, and not the nearest Vintage store.) Anyway, back to the application. I start to smile, then I look down and see that is says under Application- Dirty Hot Passionate Guy for Elizabeth, he's written his name, and then his address, date of birth, age, marital status all that stuff. So here's when I start to realize what it is, and I proceed to drop everything I'm holding onto the floor while I read it. As if that wasn't good enough I'm just going to put on here what he wrote following all that b/c honestly I think it's easily one of the most romantic things anyone has ever given me. Here's the rest:

Education: Little to none, however, I want to be the man of her dreams. (I'm a fast learner.)

Experience: No experience as a dirty, hot passionate male, but I am a neat dork. (sidebar again: I've been using the word neat a lot so that was simply for my benefit.)

Misc: We both LOVE God and want to know Him more.

Comments: She has a beautiful soul (Yes, I just used a line from a bad teen/pop song). She understands my weird personality and she still sticks around. From the moment I met her I wanted to be her friends, and from the moment I became her friend I wanted to be more. Above all, she makes me want to be Dirty, Hot, and Passionate.

Yeah, so that's it. For the record, to have someone say that they want to be the man of my dreams seriously overwhelms me. And the fact that I think he may very well be the man of my dreams just makes it that much more amazing. I know, I know, this is a whole lot sappier than I normally am. But maybe just maybe he's made me turn over a new leaf.

All I know is that I don't hate February anymore.


Blogger Emily said...


you've heard it all from me this week, but just for emphasis. :)


3:45 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

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3:46 PM  
Blogger meagan said...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so exceptionally exciting to read about; I'm so glad you shared it!

love meagan

6:32 PM  
Blogger um... yeah... said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! loving that bible studies bring people together! WOOOT! love you lizzy!

12:16 AM  

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